Sunday, February 11, 2007


And then there are good things, sweet moments, inchstones of progress... Cora is turning one and at her birthday party she did what most one year olds enjoy doing...smashed cake. She had no interest in licking the frosting, but she smeared my face with it when I asked for a bite. And then my brave husband let her feed him a fistful of cake. She tried two tiny bites off a fork. Earlier, before the cake smashing fun, she mooched some of my quiche and wound up eating more than a piece of her own. I'm guessing the liveliness of the party combined with my holding her and pacing in the kitchen while feeding her had something to do with it. I know that most all of the time that I put her in her high chair, she is just braced to resist and fight eating anything I might offer. But for today, I can focus on the small little inchstones....a girl enjoying her birthday cake and sharing lunch with mama.

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